Ahhhh the Holidays....
Layers of friendship
Best Friends (2-4) - people you can rely on 24/7 for any/everything
Friends (dozens) - hangout with on semi regular basis
location friends - people you know do to circumstances, they might be friends from work, the gym, school, but you never really see that person outside of that location.
Well the holidays are like a fourth layer of friends.
There are family members I only see at the holidays, there are people that show up at holiday parties where that is the only time you see them. And then there is church, and there are those people you don't see but twice a year - Easter and Christmas. I had one of those occasions this Christmas. A person I used to work very closely with has since gone in her own direction. But when I saw her I a had to capture the moment. Now I'm gonna share it with my millions of viewers.
Best Friends (2-4) - people you can rely on 24/7 for any/everything
Friends (dozens) - hangout with on semi regular basis
location friends - people you know do to circumstances, they might be friends from work, the gym, school, but you never really see that person outside of that location.
Well the holidays are like a fourth layer of friends.
There are family members I only see at the holidays, there are people that show up at holiday parties where that is the only time you see them. And then there is church, and there are those people you don't see but twice a year - Easter and Christmas. I had one of those occasions this Christmas. A person I used to work very closely with has since gone in her own direction. But when I saw her I a had to capture the moment. Now I'm gonna share it with my millions of viewers.